JOHN DEERE engine.
Drill rod 4.5m - 30 pieces.
Due to the age of the machine, the number of MTH indicated on the tachograph cannot be guaranteed.
Decommissioned for 1 year
It is a Vermeer 55x100 type machine, which has already been increased in the USA from the original 25 tons in pull and downforce to 34.5 tons in pull and downforce.
The machine was converted from the 55 x 100 to the 75 x 100 version. (They did this by changing the hydraulic motors on the carriage of the so-called tailstock. The torque remained the same as with the original Vermeer 55x100 type)
In 2019, the chassis was repaired (new roll belts).
Replacement of pistons on bentonite pump RERR.
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