About the website operator. VeaCom is a platform that provides a comprehensive range of services in the electronic auction of special technology and vehicles. The platform is managed by our company VeaCom s.r.o., Company Number: 275 81 063, having its registered office at Strakonická 3367, Smíchov, 150 00 Praha 5, entered in the Commercial Register maintained at the Metropolitan Court in Prague, file C 116995 (“we“).

Personal data processing according to regulations. To make sure you know how we work with personal data, we have published this Personal Data Processing Policy (“Policy”), which we would ask you to read. This Policy complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), and you will find information in the Policy about which personal data we process, why, how we handle them, and how long we retain them. The Policy applies to our own clients, customers, and suppliers and to all other users of the website (“Website”).

Contact details. You can reach us at, by telephone on + 420 255 739 707, or at our address of Strakonická 3367, Praha 5-Smíchov, 150 00.

The scope of data processing. We process any and all personal data to the minimum extent possible. Sometimes, however, there is no way to avoid their processing; for example, if you use the services on our Website.

How do we process your personal data and which personal data do we process?

We process your personal data according to the relationship we have to each other. This all depends on whether you have entered into a contract with us, as our customer, or whether you are simply browsing our Website without us having any relationship to each other.

A. If you have registered an account or you have entered into a contract with us, we process the following personal data about you:

  • Identification data. These data help us identify you; for example, when we enter into a contract with each other. They include, for example, first name, surname, address, and Company Number.
  • Contact details. We use these to be able to contact you, if required. Such data include telephone number, e-mail address, and delivery address.
  • Billing and bank details. We process these to identify and execute payments. Such data include, for example, the information on invoices, bank details, and information about payments received or sent.
  • Information in the contract. Details of the goods and services with which we provide you and/or, if you are a supplier, that you provide us with, and other details to concern our cooperation.
  • Information from our communication. In this case, we are mainly talking about information in e-mails, recordings of telephone conversations, or the content of our communication with each other.
An account must be registered for you to be able to enter into a contract with us.
We then process the personal data specified above for these purposes and for the following period of time:
What is the legal foundation for processing according to GDPR? Why do we process your data? How long will we process your data? Which specific data do we process for this purpose?
the fulfilment of obligations arising from the contract or as part of pre-contract negotiations subparagraph 6(1)(b) GDPR
So that we are able to enter into a contract with you. For the duration of the contract or to the time at which all rights and obligations arising from the contract expire. Identification details
Contact details
Billing and bank details
Information in the contract
Information from our communication
the fulfilment of legal obligations imposed on us by legal regulations subparagraph 6(1)(c) GDPR
So that we are able to fulfil all legal regulations which apply to us. For the period of time specified in the specific legal regulation in line with which we are fulfilling our obligations
For example, we retain personal data which relate to tax matters for a period of 10 years following the end of the relevant taxation year.
Identification details
Contact details

Billing and bank details
Information in the contract
it is in our legitimate interest subparagraph 6(1)(f) GDPR
So that we are able to protect and enforce our rights. For a period of up to 15 years. This matches the longest possible limitation period laid down by legal regulations. Identification details
Contact details
Billing and bank details
Information in the contract
Information from our communication
So that we are able to improve our services and carry out surveys of your satisfaction with our services. For a period of 1 year following the expiration of the contract. Contact details
Information in the contract
Information from our communication
So that we can send you newsletters (by e-mail or SMS). For a period of 3 years after entering into the most recent contract between us, or until such time as you lodge an objection to such processing; for example, by opting out of receiving our newsletters. Contact details
B. If you are merely browsing our Website, we process the following personal data about you:
  • Contact details. We use these to be able to contact you, if required. Such data include telephone number and e-mail address, if you provide them when communicating with us.
  • Information from our communication. In this case, mainly the information in contact forms and our other communication.
  • Cookies. We use cookies to ensure the running and functioning of the Website. You can read more about this below.
We then process these data for these purposes and for the following period of time:
What is the legal foundation for processing according to GDPR? Why do we process your data? How long will we process your data? Which specific data do we process for this purpose?
as part of pre-contractual negotiations subparagraph 6(1)(b) GDPR
So that you can contact us using the contact form on our Website and so that we can reply to you. For a period of 1 year, if we do not enter into cooperation. Contact details
Information from our communication
we process data after receiving your consent to do so subparagraph 6(1a) GDPR
So that we are able to process data about you whose processing we are unable to categorise under any of the legal grounds for data processing specified above. For the duration of your consent.
You may withdraw your consent by e-mail at any time. Even if you do withdraw your consent or if the duration of your consent comes to an end, this does not mean that we have to erase all data about you that we have been processing with your consent. We may continue to work with those data if other legal grounds make this possible. If you withdraw your consent, this has no influence on the lawfulness of personal data processing before withdrawal.
Data which are specified in consent to personal data processing; for example, when making references featuring your first name and surname public.
You will find more information in the section of this Policy to concern cookies.
So that we have an overview of how you use our Website, where you are accessing the Website from, and which of our services interest you the most. You will find more information in the section of this Policy to concern cookies.

Automated processing. We will not process your personal data with the use of automated individual processing which would have legal effects for you, as the data subject, or which would significantly impact on you in a similar way.

To whom do we transfer your personal data?

To make sure that our services work effectively, we cooperate with certain suppliers, to whom we may transfer your data. Our service suppliers in turn become the processors of your personal data. They, however, are only authorised to process your personal data to the extent which we agree with them.

We transfer your personal data to the following organisations: providers of legal, tax, and accounting services, providers of technical solutions (in particular operators of cloud services and webhosting), and Google LLC, which operates the Google Analytics analytical tool. You will find information about how Google processes your personal data here. We also share personal data with our subsidiaries Veacom PL Sp z o.o. in Poland and Veacom SK s.r.o. in Slovakia.

If you are interested in the particular organisations to which we are currently providing your personal data, get in touch using the contact details we have provided.

We may also transfer your personal data to public authorities if this is in our interest or if they demand this of us.

What rights do you have?

You have the following rights in relation to personal data processing:

  • You have the right to lodge an objection if we are processing your personal data in our legitimate interest. You can lodge such an objection by sending it to our contact address or by e-mail to We will assess the objection within a maximum of one month of receiving it.
  • You have the right to receive confirmation from us as to whether or not we are processing your personal data. If we are, you have the right of access to those personal data and the right to information about which personal data are involved.
  • You may ask us to rectify incorrect data or supplement incomplete data.
  • Under certain conditions, we are also under obligation to erase your personal data or restrict the processing of those data if you ask us to do so. Under certain conditions, you also have the right to transfer your personal data to another controller.
  • If you suspect that your personal data are being processed in an unlawful way, you have the right to file a complaint with Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů (Office for Personal Data Protection),, address Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7.

How do we work with cookies?

We use cookies to make sure that the Website functions properly. Cookies are short text files which the Website sends to your browser. They allow us to record information about your visit; for example, the language you have chosen, etc. We separate cookies into essential and analytical.

Essential cookies are required for the proper running of the Website. We do not request your consent to the use of these cookies. It is in our legitimate interest that the Website functions properly. You can set the use of these cookies when you first visit the Website, in the cookies bar, or HERE. If, however, you reject these cookies, the Website might not be displayed to you properly and browsing the site might not be the same experience as you are used to.

Analytical cookies help us compile statistics and overviews. We use them to monitor Website traffic and from where you access the Website. We need your consent to be able to use them. Once again, you can set the use of these cookies when you first visit the Website, in the cookies bar, or Here.

What type of cookies are we talking about? What are they called? For what are they used? After how long are they deleted? Who has access to them apart from you?
Analytical cookies Google Analytics (_ga, _gat, _gta, _gid) Measures traffic using the tools of Google Analytics, makes it possible to anonymously identify a website visitor and analyse their behaviour. Collects the IP address, information about the browser, the operating system used, and the resolution of the screen. 0 - 24 months Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA)
BOOTIQ s.r.o. (Hybernská 1007/20, Nové Město, 11000 Praha 1, Česká Republika)
Aira GROUP s.r.o. (Vratislavova 57/1, Vyšehrad, 12800 Praha 2, Česká Republika)


This Policy is valid from 1.4.2024.


We respect your privacy.

VeaCom s.r.o. uses cookies on this website. All types of cookies have a specific purpose. Essential cookies allow the website to work properly and allow you to use its essential functions, and so we do not need your consent for them. We do, however, require your consent for other cookies. These are analytical cookies, which are used to produce statistics and overviews about traffic and website optimisation.

By selecting “Allow all”, you are giving us your consent to the processing of all non-essential types of cookies. You can, of course, block non-essential cookies by clicking on “Reject all”. You can change your choice at any time in the future.

You will find more information about work with cookies and about your rights in our Use of Cookies Terms.

These cookies do not save any information that would make it possible to identify your person. They are, however, essential for the functioning of the website, meaning that they cannot be deactivated. Most are set as a response to an action you have carried out. For example, a request for services in relation to security settings, login, filling in forms, etc. You can, however, set your browser in such a way that cookies are blocked, or that you are sent notification of them. Remember that some pages will not work without these files.

All the information which the cookies collect are aggregate. They help monitor the level of traffic and from which source that traffic comes. This helps us improve the performance of the site. We are able to use them to determine which pages are most popular and which are not and to monitor the way in which visitors move around the website. If you opt out of cookies, we will have no idea when you visited our site.

Назва Валідність Provider Description
_ga, _gat, _gta, _gid 0 - 24 months Google Analytics Measures traffic using the tools of Google Analytics, makes it possible to anonymously identify a website visitor and analyse their behaviour. Collects the IP address, information about the browser, the operating system used, and the resolution of the screen.